Discover our latest article regards B2B payment experiences

Open Banking at the heart of payments and finance

Bridge simplifies the initiation and collection of payments with its best-in-class technology. Businesses of all sizes can integrate Bridge to build innovative and competitive 360 ​​financial services.

Take advantage of a plug-and-play Open Banking solution

What to build with Bridge solutions?

Bridge is developing with its clients a new financial ecosystem in Europe: more open, more innovative and more efficient.

Bridge makes it possible to initiate payments, aggregate, standardize and enrich financial data for more than one hundred clients such as Cdiscount, Cegid, Sage, RCA, PayFit, Qonto and FLOA, all in a secure way.


Send, receive and manage payments!

Integrate a plug-and-play secure payment solution to increase your conversion rates at reduced costs, especially on high baskets, while enjoying an easier reconciliation and lower fraud rates.



iPhone 11 Pro

blanc crème — 128 Go

Résumé de la commande

Quantité 1

Capacité 128 GO

Référence 105168B158

Date 23 septembre 2021

Prix 1 139€ ttc

  • Icône

    Bridge Account check

    Verify the account ownership through smooth and seamless onboarding for KYC and / or KYB processes

    Learn more about Bridge Account check
  • Icône

    Bridge Aggregation

    Access to financial data from all types of accounts by offering your clients an optimized and conversion-boosting synchronization funnel, all with a PSD2 compliant access

    Learn more about Bridge Aggregation
  • Icône

    Bridge Data Enrichment

    Access cleaned, categorized and enriched banking data through advanced labels extraction algorithms to improve your products and services

    Learn more about Bridge Data Enrichment
  • Icône

    Bridge Decisioning

    Analyze your clients’ consumption habits and behaviours, with powerful transaction detection, analysis and reports. Offer relevant and innovative services to increase user engagement

    Learn more about Bridge Decisioning

Take advantage of a team of expert developers to integrate robust and intuitive APIs

Made by developers, for developers, our documentation is clear and allows you to integrate our API in a matter of hours.

Try it out now with our free sandbox and manage your Bridge products directly from your dashboard.!StrongP455word&cli
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Ready to start your projects?

If you are looking for a qualitative tailor-made solution along with a personalized assistance for your Open Banking projects, contact our team.

We will be happy to discuss them with you and answer any questions you may have.
